Summary: Different closets need different color schemes.
Homeowners tend to overlook the color scheme of their closets. While it may not be as open to your guests as a living room, having the right color could speak a lot about your personality. An added benefit from painting your closet is that it brings out the quality of your clothes color. So that elegant dress doesn’t have to look so depressing in the corner anymore.
Here are some color recommendations that you can apply to the many types of closets.
Your primary closet needs a bright color scheme. This makes it easier to find all of your clothing. Semi-gloss is recommended because of the ability to reflect more light, making your clothes stand out. If you have a larger space with walk in closet organizers being the bread and butter of your closet, try matching with the type of wood that your organizer is made from.
Guest rooms are a bit more flexible then other rooms. That being said, you can experiment with your closet colors. When your guest opens up the closet, you want a color that’s going to jump out at them. Whether it’s a neutral tone with bright highlights or a contrasting color, try and tap into your creative side with this one.
If you have an integrated closet that’s open to the room, you don’t want to highlight that section to where it looks like neon signs are pointing directly at it. Choose a color that matches your room or a try a slightly lighter tone. This way you don’t draw the attention directly at your closet.
Whether the space you’re working with is a guest room or a converted DIY walk in closet that you created from scratch, a color theme is essential to its look. Vastly overlooked, stand out from the crowd and create a closet that showcases your creativity and personality.
Bio: Solid Wood Closets is a closet organizer manufacturer located in Los Angeles, CA. Do you have a walk in closet design that needs an extra boost in the looks department? Check out their online catalogue today for tips.