I was always struck by the man's ability to turn any activity into something violent, and almost never looks like fun. I have to admit that I find very original right?

Anyway, always good to think of eating a good pizza, fun or not.
  "Who pays the pizza? who does the dishes? who buys the beer? Leave it to faith, play The Plate Roulette. Instructions: Place the pizza (cake etc...) on the plate hiding the gun barrel. Everybody gets a slice. If you are the one who gets the bullet, you lose... or win! Players: from 2 to 6. Porcelain plate 31CM"
30 € at veinticuatrodientes Siempre me ha llamado la atención la capacidad del hombre por covertir todo tipo de actividad en algo violento, y casi nunca me parece divertido. Tengo que reconocer que este me parece muy original ¿o no? De todas formas siempre está bien pensar en comerse una buena pizza, sea divertida o no. Vía : noquedanblogs